Using the Website implies that you accept the terms of this disclaimer. I do occasionally update this disclaimer so please refer back to them in the future.


You are permitted to use my website for your own purposes and to print and download material provided that you do not modify any content without my consent. Material on this website must not be republished online or offline without our permission.


The copyright and other intellectual property rights in all material on this Website are owned by me and must not be reproduced without our prior consent.


I take all reasonable steps to ensure that this Website is available 24 hours every day, 365 days per year. However, websites do sometimes encounter downtime due to server and, other technical issues. Therefore I will not be liable if this website is unavailable at any time.


Any links to third party websites located on this Website are provided for your convenience only. I have not reviewed each third party website and have no responsibility for such third party websites or their content.If you would like to link to this Website, you may only do so on the basis that you link to, but do not replicate, any page on this Website and you do not in any way imply that I am endorsing any services or products unless this has been specifically agreed with me.If you choose to link to my website you shall fully indemnify me for any loss or damage suffered as a result of your actions.


I take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information on this Website is correct. However, I do not guarantee the correctness or completeness of material on this Website. Neither I nor any other party (whether or not involved in producing, maintaining or delivering this Website), shall be liability or responsible for any kind of loss or damage that may result to you or a third party as a result of your or their use of our website. This exclusion shall include servicing or repair costs and, without limitation, any other direct, indirect or consequential loss.


This Legal Notice shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Swiss law. Any dispute(s) arising in connection with this Legal Notice are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Switzerland.